Exercice 1
Match the pictures two by two. The first one should represent Mr Hilditch's present life and the second one is the flashback which comes immediately after in the film. (solution)

Exercice 2
Look at the various shots of Mr Hilditch and comment upon the evolution of his feeling throughout the film.

Exercice 3
Make up the dialogue corresponding to this particular scene, either using your own words or remembering the actual dialogue in the film.

Exercice 4
Class the pictures of the videos into tree different categories and try to find a commun denomonitor for each category.

exercice 5
écrire les dialogues de la scène

exercice 6
l'impossible rencontre Félicia-Johny

Excercice 7
Match the pictures two by two. The first one should represent Felicia's present journey and the second one is the flashback which comes immediately after in the film. (solution)